CLI options

List aws instances and their environmental impact (from Boavizta API)

Usage: cloud-scanner-cli [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  estimate   Get estimation of impacts for a given usage duration
  inventory  List instances and  their average cpu load for the last 5 minutes (without returning impacts)
  serve      Run as a standalone server. Access metrics (e.g. http://localhost:8000/metrics?aws_region=eu-west-3), inventory or impacts (see http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui)
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -a, --aws-region <AWS_REGION>
          AWS region (The default aws profile region is used if not provided)
  -b, --boavizta-api-url <BOAVIZTA_API_URL>
          Optional Boavizta API URL if you want to use your own instance (URL without the trailing slash, e.g.
  -t, --filter-tags <FILTER_TAGS>
          Filter instances on tags (like tag-key-1=val_1 tag-key_2=val2)
  -v, --verbosity...
          Enable logging and show execution duration, use multiple `v`s to increase logging level warning to debug
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version

Experimental feature: estimate block storage

Use the --include-block-storage command line flag or parameter to consider block storage (either in inventory or when requesting an estimation of impacts.). This parameter defaults to false . This means that by default block storage (volumes) are not counted in the inventory nor in the results.

⚠ In any case, for storage, the impacts of the use phase are not counted. Boavizta API returns only the impacts of the manufacturing phase for HDD and SSD. Furthermore the impacts of storage are likely are likely overestimated. They are calculated by taking into account the size of the logical volume. In reality, a volume that is not full may not claim the full space on a physical device, which would result in smaller impacts.

# Experimental: get impacts of instances and attached storage
cargo run estimate --use-duration-hours 1 --include-block-storage --output-verbose-json

Display statistics

Use -v will display statistics on std error.

  • First output line shows the time spend specifically gathering CPU load of instances.
  • Second line shows global statistics:
    • total inventory duration: total time taken to retrieve resource lists and CPU statistics from AWS.
    • impact estimation duration: time taken to query Boavizta API
    • total execution duration.
cloud-scanner-cli -v estimate -u 1
# use -- -v with cargo
# cargo  run -- -v estimate -u 1
cloud_scanner_cli::aws_inventory: Total time spend querying CPU load of instances: 372.153481ms
cloud_scanner_cli: ExecutionStatistics { inventory_duration: 911.526773ms, impact_duration: 398.993816ms, total_duration: 1.310520822s }