Deploy cloud scanner as a serverless application

You can deploy cloud scanner as a serverless application (AWS lambda).

The application is build and deployed using the serverless framework (see serverless-design).

Using Linux

  1. Install Rust
  2. Install nvm, nodejs
  3. test serverless package

First, don’t forget to clone the repo using

git clone
cd cloud-scanner

Install Rust

# Install rust (see, validate when prompted
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
# Add Linux musl target (needed for cross compilation for lambda)
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y musl-tools musl-dev

Install node (for serverless deployment)

nvm, node.js and npm


sudo apt-get install curl

# Install nvm
curl -o- | bash
# Install node
nvm install --lts

Install serverless framework and deps

npm install -g serverless
npm i

Configure environment

Everything you need should now be installed, but there is a last step you have to do before deploying. Since the serverless framework automatically deploys the lambda onto your AWS instance without you having to upload a zip file or anything, you have to give it access to it by giving it an access key (see this guide for more informations on how to generate an access keys).

serverless config credentials \
  --provider aws \

Optionally, you can config a private instance of Boaviztapi by setting the environment variable BOAVIZTA_API_URL so :


If the environment variable is not set, cloud scanner will use the public instance ( by default.


You should be good to go by now, simply run

serverless package
serverless deploy

and wait for it to be done. You should by now see two lamda functions appear on your AWS instance, Congratulations !

If any error happen, redo those steps carefully and make sure you didn’t miss anything before posting a GitHub Issue.

Using Windows

Tested method to deploy this serverless app from on windows is to use Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL2).

  1. Prerequisite: install WSL2 and the latest Ubuntu LTS image (22.04). If you do not have it yet, you may inspire from Set up Node.js on WSL 2.
  2. After WSL is setup, follow Linux instructions above inside the Linux VM.